The Homeownership Program is a voluntary program designed to assist any Quincy Housing Authority Public Housing Tenant or Section 8 Participant in good standing to purchase a home by providing a Section 8 voucher used to help in paying the monthly mortgage payment. Instead of renting an apartment and having the Housing Authority help pay the rent, a voucher can be used to help pay the mortgage instead.

If you are interested in homeownership please contact:

Linda Shirley, Family Self-Sufficiency Coordinator at 617-847-4350 ext. 905

Are you ready to purchase your first home? Let us support you in your homeownership journey.

Your Journey to Homeownership



As a single mom raising 2 children it can be difficult to see your way out of your situation.  I have lived for 10 years at QHA and have seen many positive improvements over this time.    I took advantage of all the programs offered through FSS such as the LEAP Program and am now enrolled in a homebuyers program.  In doing so I am breaking the cycle of poverty in my family. The QHA staff at support services have been so helpful and offer a wide variety of programs that I have taken full advantage of.

Farm stands, healthy living, education, mentoring and self-sufficiency programs are only a few they have to offer.  I have grown immensely as a QHA resident and could never have accomplished all I have without the help of the QHA staff / friends that have helped me along the way.  

Our community has improved immensely over the last few years when James Marathas became Executive Director. The well maintained waterfront property has 2 brand new playgrounds with basketball courts and a fun vibrant splash pad. The elementary school , community center, and Manet Heath Center are within minutes walking distance from my home.   I am forever grateful.  

-Karen Flaherty

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